mikrostan 20 m2, kuhinjski otok

Apartment 20 m2, version 3- kitchen island

This is 3. version of microapartment of 20 m2 (here are first i and second).To be honest, all this looks like bigger room in which you put everything, but if is functional and nice, why not? Here I put small island. But things that always should be in tiny spaces are:

  1. bed (who wants to pull couch every night)
  2. work space (this tiny apartments are convenient for students, but anyway most of people has laptops and is good to have dedicated place for that)
  3. kitchen with decent size and at least some countertop.

This tiny apartment is 5,2 x 4,6 m with height 2,6 m, and contains small kitchen island instead standard dining table.


  • sleeping          3,7 m2
  • bathroom             2,4 m2
  • living, dining and kitche                                   12,0 m2
  • entrance hall              1,7 m2

total               19,8 m2


This all part contains:

  • hanging with hooks
  • stair(way to heaven) on which you can sit and take on your shoes
  • drawers like storage under bed
  • mattress 1400 x 2000 cm with 20 cm free space on both sides of mattress

To get at least some sunlight in bathroom. And also, looks nice.

Tiny corner sofa which can pull out to be bed.

It is expensive to get something like that, but I would say is worth of it. Visually you get few more square meters. linku.

Has all needed appliances and quite storage elements.

To lift price to apartment :).

It is not real kitchen island, it doesn't have storage, only seating. Maybe better wording is bar.. hm..it is 1200 x 500 cm sizing. 

With the kitchen bar is work space. Convenient, isn't it..

See more version of this floorplan.

dnevni boravak stan 25 m2 mikrostan

Apartment 25 m2, version 1- removed wall

existing floorplan

This is floorplan of small apartment on the coast with two tiny bedrooms i small living room. Height is around 210 cm. 210 cmSpace is tiny but it has potential to be functional. Removing wall will enable more light and better use of space, but with one room less.

  • room 1                       5,4 m2
  • room 2                       5,5 m2
  • bathroom                 1,9 m2
  • living room and entry     12,5 m2

total 25,3


Removed wall enabled space opening and more functional layout. Chimney was not touched as well as sanitary in order to spare costs.
A the owner's wish, there is only one bed (but queen sized), TV is added and elements in bathroom are changed.

Although I prefer to avoid using custom made furniture, in this case I would use it to get maximum of storage space.

  • bathroom                 1,9 m2
  • rest               24,3 m2

total 26,2 m2



Contains two benches and table 75 cm wide and 105 cm long. Benches are storage also.

Bench support is used for hanging TV.

On lateral side, there are cabinets and above sink only shelves to avoid closing space too much. 
Radna ploča je u dekoru drveta koje daje toplinu prostoru, da ne izgleda presterilno jer je namještaj bijeli.

Grey, as wallpaper, with glass effect and fishbone layout. Since cabinets are simple, why should not put some nice tiles.

End of countertop is little bit longer and curved- to have space for one person to sit and to make space less sharp.

Custom made. It can be also as extra sleeping bed when is pulled out.

It is extremely near fireplace so is needed to be extremely careful! Although you probably don't spend lot of time on coast during winter (who can stand those strong winds)!

Wooden batten:

  • separates living and sleeping part
  • evens light
  • nice decoration

Sample on this wallpaper is vertical which can visually lift whole space (which is very low). On a market you can find different styles of wallpapers, here is the linka for ideas.

On kitchen cabinets, wardrobe is continuing. In first one you can put also washing machine if needed or simply can be storage for whatever you want.. Ormari su istog dekora kao i kuhinja jer se time dobije konutinuitet što je super za mali prostor.

This bench can be storage of course and some rest/ reading space. It has dimensions 1200 x 80 cm.
Put few soft fluffy pillows, grab favourite book and enjoy!

Kitchen has all necessary appliances, and almost all are standard- dishwasher is 40 cm wide.

Queen sized.
Aha, šta mogu srušeni zidovi.. 

Fits nice.
And of course, extra storage.

mikrostan 20 m2 boravak

Apartment 20 m2, version- divider shelves

About microapartments it was written on the beggining of this post. Shortly, very small apartments,, but should have everything necessary for normal life. Some people live in those spaces because they have to, while other ones live there because they want to. And that's nice. Actually, is not needed much for happy life, even more, is easier when you get rid of excess stuff. Yes, indeed. On the other hand, if you have some stuff to put somewhere, there is shelving with lot space for storage and is also separation of living and sleeping, in this tiny apartment.

This tiny apartment:

  • brutto dimensions 5,2 x 4,6 m
  • netto area 19,6 m2
  • one sunny side
  • height of 2,6 m

Considering ''only'' standard height of 2,6 m, it is challenge to put everything since there is no room for loft etc. Good side of this floorplan is that is not necessary to assemble furnituresince all necessary is available.


  • sleeping                      4,3 m2
  • bathroom                        3,2 m2
  • kitchen                              2,8 m2
  • living and dining  7,5 m2
  • entrance                          1,8 m2

ukupna netto površina                        19,6 m2



Unfortunately, there is direct entrance, no hall or some room divider.

Kitchen has all needed appliances, and sufficient storage cabinets.
With lateral sides, kitchen is in some way visually separated.

Dimensions of table are 160 x 60 cm.
The same decor as the kitchen.

Corner of desk can be fixed place for laptop/ working. Instead of chair, there is bench with battens to separate seating from dining.

Wall is concrete colored. Looks nice with orange seating. Here you can check examples of concrete and wood combinations.

Light decor floor to visually open space.


Small custom made seating, dimensions 180 x 165 cm.

Fits with wooden decor.

This unit which are shelves and room divider at once has lot of storage:

  • drawers are 170 cm in depth-30 cm outside bed and 140 cm beneath bed. 
  • above drawers are cabinets with 30 cm of depth
  • part for TV
  • cabinets above TV
  • open shelving

Except for storage, this is also divider- it separates sleeping from rest of apartment/ room.
Some shelves are opened, some are closed, it would be boring if everything is the same.

Stairway to heaven.
Of course, it is also small storage, but you first have to move plants.

There is mattress dimensions 140 x 200 cm height above 20 cm, it is placed on pedestal 80 cm high. Maybe is possible to make it higher- then you could get more storage.
Sleeping part has it's own small window.

See more version of this floorplan.

loft stan mikrostan kuhinja

Apartment 20m2, version 1- loft apartment

Average person (e.g. on Balcans) would laugh at this; how can 20 m2 be called an apartment. Fact is, 20 m2 for someone could be everything he has.

There are all kinds of ''apartments'' that are on market for sale, looking l

U velikim svjetskim metropolama, život u malo kvadrata je normalna pojava. I jedini izbor. Stanovništva sve više, a prostora sve manje. Mislim da je samo pitanje vremena kada će se i kod nas kvadratura stanova početi smanjivati.  

Ako se i mali prostor uredi kako treba, ne vidim razlog da broj kvadrata bude ograničavajući faktor na prvu.

Stan iz ovog posta jest mali i možda malo neobičan, ali mislim da bi neki studoš bio sretniji u njemu nego u nekoj..hmm ne smijem reći, ** koja se naziva stanom. Ili možda mladi par koji bi umjesto velike rente za veliki (ili veći) stan radije putovao po svijetu, jeo po restoranima i štatijaznam. Po naški, svaka roba nađe svog kupca.

Ovaj mikrostan nazvala sam loft stan jer je visina dijela stana iskorištena kao još jedan nivo.

Dakle, prikazan loft stan ima:

  • brutto dimenzije 5,2×4,6 m
  • netto area 19,8 m2
  • one sunny side
  • height of 3 m (kontam da je to minimum za loft stan)

Pa, hajmo vidjeti što sve stane u ovaj sobičak!


  • lijevo od ulaza je mala kupaonica s kliznim vratima, a sadrži: tuš, školjku, umivaonik, 40cm široku perilicu (otvara se odozgo)
  • desno dole su work space i garderoba
  • desno gore je bed
  • trosjed i iznad njega elementi
  • ful opremljena KITCHEN
  • barski stol i stolice



Ovo je doslovno kutak. Stolić je dimenzija 80×80 cm. Iznad je element (a može biti i otvorena polica) za knjige, pribor i sl.

Iza radnog kutka su ormari koji mogu biti garderoba, ostava, svaštara. Dimenzija su 1800×80 cm. Išla sam do te mjere da bih ovdje čak i bicikl spremila (ako je studoš, vrlo vjerojatno ima biciklo), uz igranje tetrisa: kad ti treba bicikl, makneš ljestve; kad ti treba garderoba, makneš ljestve i bicikl. Ako imaš dva bicikla, u problemu si. Visina je 180 cm. Za nas metar i ž, nije loše. Ali poviši ljudi.. hm.. a dobro, ionako ne bi često bili unutra :).

Odnosno, madrac. Dimenzija je 200×200 cm. Visina gore je oko 90 cm (ovisno o visini madraca i podloge na kojoj je madrac). Madrac može biti i uži, ali time se ne dobije previše jer gore ima prostora samo za puzanje. Ovako se samo baciš na madrac.

Ovdje ga je teško vidjeti, ali to je zid na koji je ”naslonjena” kuhinja, a s druge strane ormari. Naravno, služi i kao potporanj za ploču ili što već, na čemu stoji madrac.

Visoki su samo 40 cm, al pusti ti to, treba sve iskoristiti. Oni se zapravo nalaze ispod loft kreveta kako bi se iskoristio taj prostor ispod.
Zakačeni su na betonski zid koji je od donjih elemenata udaljen 20 cm

Ovdje stanu svi uređaji prisutni u bilo kojoj drugoj kuhinji (s lijeva na desno): izvlačni element, pećnica, iznad pećnice ploča s dva ringa, sudoper, suđerica širine 40 cm, mali hladnjak. Skroz desno nalazi se bočna ukrasna ploča.

Kad već izmišljam toplu vodu, onda nek je vruća :). Znači. Donji kuhinjski elementi su udaljeni 20 cm od betonskog zida. Zašto? Zato što se može ukrasti koji cm prostora ispod kreveta, a ovdje će dobro doći ti centrimetri u vidu dodatnih kuhinjskih polica koje su na mjestu gdje bi inače bile pločice. Di piše da kuhinja mora imati pločice :D? Uglavnom, te police/ ormarići su dovoljno duboki za tegle ili posude s hranom, ili možda čaeš, šalice i tako to. A zgodnije je da su pokriveni vratima. Prostor je mali i bolje da se čim manje sitnica vidi. 

A di ću ga nego tu? Barem imaš dobar pogled s kauča.

Must have. Još u kombinaciji s petrolej plavom bojom zida i crnim sjajnim podom.. mislim da je jako lijepo i elegantno. Inače, evo par primjera interijera u crno- bijeloj kombinaciji.

Postoji xy načina kako se to još može napraviti. Ili ne napraviti, ovisi o tome koliko je vlasnik padao s kreveta kad je bio mali.

Stavila bih bijeli trosjed jer je to ogroman komad namještaja pa da makar svjetlinom digne prostor.
Police iznad su dodatno spremište stvari.
Ogledalo zanimljivog oblika daje malo šarma i dubine tom zidu.

Mislim da ovako nešto puno bolje pristaje nego klasičan rub od 90°, jer je prostor mali, ovako ga nekako otvori i djeluje blaže nego oštar pravilan rub.
Na tom dijelu stavila bih staklene cigle kakve su nekad bile popularne, isto kao zgodan detalj, ali više da kupaonica dobije malo svjetlosti.

Stolić je na kotačićima, da ga se može lakše seljakati. Npr. ako vlasnik želi vježbati i treba mu malo prostora jer po sredini ga ima dovoljno. Eto, u ovom sobičku možeš čak i vježbati. 
Ima police s dvije strane u koje se mogu složiti knjige, i onda imaš pokretnu biblioteku.

See more version of this floorplan.