It has huge wardrobe (since it doesn't fit in bedroom). But other (obvious) possibility is to remove workspace and extend bedroom, in that way wardrobe could be placed inside bedroom.
Apartment is part of family house, with its own entrance (note that stairs are turned on wrong side, ignore it). Apartment is full of natural light and it's good that long side is also opened.
New floorplan has different layout. Living room has exit to terrace, kitchen has few cabinets more, but is not significantly larger, workspace is added and also bedroom. However, bathroom is smaller and it doesn't have a window.
Boravak ko boravak, ništa posebno. Uređen pomalo retro. Cijeli stan je uređen tako (ili pokušaj takvog uređenja) i stančić mi je baš simpa pa sam ga nazvala Simpatistan.