This is apartment in new building. I was interested to find out if is possible to get more of a space if entrance door are repositioned. In current floorplan I don't prefer watching kitchen from the couch and TV is on a way. Also, there is quite distance between bedroom and bathroom, and view in bathroom is directly from apartment entrance doors. is not super bad, but I simply don't favour it.
liivng room 14,8 m2
bedroom 7,4 m2
bathroom 4,6 m2
entrance hall 1,9 m2
total 28,7 m2
New floorplan contains repositioned entrance doors in order to have bathroom next to bedroom. In this way is avoided direct view in bathroom from the entrance in apartment as it is on original floorplan.
Kitchen is slightly larger and it has dishwasher, and at the end if kitchen is small work desk. Although living space is tiny, it shouldn't have claustrophobic feeling since room has large window. Ina any case, it's important to keep space clean and to avoid cluttering. This apartment fits to student or single!