I'm Hvjezd (try to pronounce it :)). In my spare time, I usually do this floorplans and picking up poops (leave only on the field).
Anyway, I have some silly habit; when I see some space, I immediately get ideas how that could be done in a different way. And that's how I started with making floorplans on the app- because I was interested to know how that space would look like.. After a while, I started to do a lot of floorplans and to make brand new floorplans. I'm mostly interested in small spacesmikrostanoviI love them!
I prefer small space since it's easier to maintain them, there is no room for unnecessary things and everything is close at hand. You don't need 500 m2 for normal life.
Anyway, at some point there was quite amount of floorplans so I decided to put them on the web. Who dares, wins :).
Software which I'm using is Roomsketcher and everything on the blog is exlusively my work.
Do what you like so you will like what you do. Only that makes sense..